Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gorgeous Day

What more could I ask for on my day off work, no wind and beautiful blue sky day with above freezing temperatures!!! I was supposed to be working on my artwork but I couldn't stay in the house on a day like today so I took Zack out for a 2 hour walk. At first we trudged through a few snow drifts (well I did anyway) Zack didn't sink through like I did but after it was brilliant.

We pretty much have the fields to ourselves during the day which is great. Just have to keep an eye out for coyotes as they have been bothersome in some parts.

Woo hoo, I think Zack has a top knot!!! Are those long hairs I see on top of his head!!!!

1 comment:

BODIE said...

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR looks freezing.