Zack is always on the move and focused on something or other when we are out for our walk if he's not he is usually up to no good Eating or rolling in poop is his favourite hobby - oh and not listening to me when I am trying to call him off the offensive object LOL!! Big, small, hard, soft, wild, domestic - he doesn't care. Poopaholic is now his new alias.
I saves all my poops for walks. I also refuse to poop in one go and like to spread it over 2 or 3 stops along the way. This mean we haz to carry lottsa bags when we are walkin in town.
Dachshund Nola
Forget about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Poop - my favourite thing!!!
I saves all my poops for walks. I also refuse to poop in one go and like to spread it over 2 or 3 stops along the way. This mean we haz to carry lottsa bags when we are walkin in town.
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