I can't believe Zacky is 3 today. It just seems like yesterday that I brought this little black puppy home with his wispy punky hairdo on top of his head. Today he has matured and is the best dog if I do say so myself and I love him to bits. I couldn't help but get him a new collar for his birthday as well as a couple of other little things. Happy Birthday Zack!!!!
Happy Birthday Zacky boy! Izzie sends lots of Pug kisses!
Happy Birthday Zack. Good to see you've got a new ball.
Boooo, cant beleev I missed your burfdee my pal. Sorry. Appy late burfdee wishes from me. Woof
Happy birthday Zack! You were so cute as a little puppy!
Happy Bleated Birthday Zack. Love the crazy puppy hair. LOL
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