As Asia was a stray we don't know when her birthday is and so I am declaring today Fat Cat Day. I have had her for approx. 8 years so we think she is about 9. She has gone through the loss of my two old Cavaliers (who she loved) and more recently my old cat Cuddles and she has lived through Zack's puppy years where he would pounce and attack her every minute he could nipping with those baby teeth. She is so not like a normal cat which would run she would just sit there like a brick and take it teeth and all. Occasionally she would let out a screech poor thing.
Eventually Zack learned Asia was not a chew toy and that if he was gentle with her he would get a reward. That is when things changed. Zack would lick her ears and then get a face cleaning - this was the moment we had been waiting for. Now they are inseparable always snuggling and curled up together.
I am sure she is allergic to food as she is always breaking out in fat LOL. She is on a diet (aren't we all) but is still built like a tank but we love her and so does Zack.
Happy Fat Cat Day
Zack my furriend...i have younger kitteh brofur named Mau & we play all da time...i iz so glad dat jg brought him home fur me *snoogles* GizmoGeodog
Dont you just love a BT and a CAT, we miss our pussy cat much!!!!
Happy Fat Cat Day Asia!
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