These last few months we have been having an issue with Zack jumping through to the front seat of the car and he would not stay in the back which was very distracting. He had hit the dash a couple of times and was starting to get a little nervous which we did not want so we tried the harness through the seatbelt, but he would somehow always turn himself around and get tangled in it - again causing distraction. We then started putting him in his kennel in the back of car which was safe but he could not see out and we couldn't see him and we had to have the back seat of the car down all the time which was a pain and the seat squeaked loudly and was driving me bonkers!!! Finally I saw this solvit solution seat online which was big enough for Zack which was great as most of them are for chihuhuas etc. They didn't ship to Canada so I had it shipped to my sisters in the US and she in turn sent it to me.
Initially I put the booster seat together and left it in the living room to see what Zack thought. Before I knew it there was a fight between the cat and dog as to whose bed it was.

Fat cat wormed her way in giving Zack an extra face cleaning

Since putting it in the car Zack is a happy dog. He can see out of the window clearly and is safely secured

We have now been on a couple of long road trips and it has worked wonders.

Pete calls it Zack's throne aahahahah. I am just glad we found something that seems to work. Yay!!!!
Thats a happy dog. The one and only time Goo wasn't crated in the back - on a short trip 10 mtrs down the road from the vet she stood on the electric window winder and the window came down. EEKAMondo, so dangerous and never again.
Zack and Asia look so cute together in that little bed. If we tried that with our cat and one of our dogs, well... who knows what would happen? :)
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy....I want one of dem!!
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