I got my Garmin charged and started on Monday. It actually went really well. I have a special leash that goes round my waist for Zack so I can run hands free. Zack is so good he just keeps by my side or slightly in front and keeps pace with me, although I know when he breaks into a trot I am running too slow ahahaha. He is a really good running buddy he even held off going to the loo until I finished running - I am sure he knew that if I stopped during a run I wouldn't get going again LOL!! Poor boy as soon as I was on my cool down walk he did a big poop!!!
Zack is probably the fittest being in our house, he eats measured portions of food everyday, does not eat junk food and gets lots of exercise. I overeat, eat junk food and don't get enough exercise!!!!! It's funny how we do the right things for our dogs but not for ourselves. Time for change I reckon.
good for you !!
Jo took the words right out of my mouth! :)
Well done for you my pal. I kno how impawtant good execise is. Typist is runnin a lot and he kno ow ard it is but also how rewardin it can become.
I been a bit poorly this wek and I will haz to do a blog bout it so you can catch up wiv my adventures. I will try and get it done by the weekend
Good on you, runnin is hard work, we has just started agiliteez and Mum cycles to work every day but even she is puffin at the runnin....
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