Both Zack and I have a uniform we have to wear for our Therapy Dog Visits. Zack has a bandana and last week he did his first Therapy Dog visit at the Heritage Lodge to visit the seniors there. He did really well and I think enjoyed that he was centre of attention. He was so good with the seniors and definitely brightened up their evening. He got a couple of old ladies giggling in their chairs as he wouldn't stop wiggling his behind and he sat on the lap of another gentlemen licking his face all over - luckily he didn't mind a bit. What was really nice was that there was a little old lady in a wheelchair who we were told doesn't like dogs and thought they should be all outside on a farm. By the end of the visit she had crept over in her wheelchair, bent over and wouldn't stop petting Zack. He licked her ankle and she laughed. She was surprised by his wiry coat and started talking about the dogs she had in her life - it was so amazing how she came out of her shell.
It was a rewarding experience and Zack was great :). Maybe being a Therapy Dog is his calling.
Congrats Lisa and Zacky!! YOu guys will love it - and he is a natural - people are going to LOOOOOVVVEEE him!
Go Zacky, to know you is to love you.
I knew people would love Zack, how could you not !
Brilliant werk Zack. You will be a star, we kno it.
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