Luckily the snow storm forecast for last Friday didn't amount to anything except a little skiff which was great but we know we are on borrowed time before the weather changes so every day we are making the most of our walks while we can.

There is not much green grass left in the fields anymore it is mostly brown and Zack does "blend in" which can be a problem

but on the whole it has been a great Fall and we have had lots of great walks although Zacky always manages to have a good roll in stinky unmentionable wildlife deposits before I can get to him little bugger. LOL.
Enjoy your walks Zack. I ent for my first walk after my op today and I scared the peeple by disappearin for 2o minnits.
Vet tells me my eart is still not well and I will be takin tabblits for the rest of my life but at least I do be over the op and I can enjoy fings a bit. I also haz to lern to be a bit more relaxed and not go chasing squirrels
Wow, we can't believe you're back to nearly snowing again. Better grow your furs back in really fast. I love a good roll too. We could belong to the HIGH rollers club.
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