The inevitable happened on Monday a cold front blew through, we had freezing temps, a skiff of snow and biting winds so it was time to bring out the winter woolies for our walk. Dam it.
Zack's new sweater is a little big but the next size down was too small and in any event it served the purpose and kept him warm and that's all that matters anyway I guess. This weekend we are supposed to get to a high of - 10 degrees and over night down to - 20 so I think winter has finally arrived.
Zack and I are now off for our morning walk with Paisley the Poodle and Constance from four doors down. It's about - 5 and windy right now so better bundle up again.
Cute sweater Zacky!
The green and brown just looks killer on him eh?
Izzie and I aren't to thrilled with the cold either. Brrr.
I was gonna make fun of you my pal but then I did see your temmprytures. Good idea to be wearin the woollys. Wof
Cutest jacket ever!
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